Even in these uncertain times, there are film festivals that are currently accepting submissions for online screenings; indeed there are some festivals that have been created specifically in response to the current quarantine. Here are just a few:
The Quarantine International Film Festival bills itself as a “free online film festival for you and your spare time during the pandemic”. They had posted a request for creation and submission on the webpage:
Quarantine Film Festival In Georgia is asking for submissions of short films (20 minutes maximum) - every week, winners will be selected and will have a chance for a screening during the festival itself in August.
The COVIDaVinci Film Festival is asking for folks to create short films of maximum 5 minutes for consideration for screening and awards.
The Couch Film Festival is asking for submissions of short films made after Mach 1 of 2020. They note that their awards will be “IMDB-eligible”.
The Long Distance Film Festival has extended their deadline for submissions until May 25, and note that they do look at old works as well as new.
The One-Minute Film Festival has extended their own deadline until June 3 and is accepting submissions of short works created since July of last year.:
Make Rover a star! Jump-start Fluffy’s new cinematic career! Ottawa is now accepting submissions for its first ever pet film festival. Note that some of the folks involved with this festival are also involved with the Ottawa Filmmakers Facebook group, which has been issuing regular film-making challenges.
There’s also the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival, who are also accepting submissions “suited to the category of anything adventure” for works completed after October 1, 2019. This is their fourth year of operation.
Hopefully, one of these opportunities with help to inspire you to make films even during quarantine. For some great material on using your phone for film-making, please have a look at SAW Video’s workshop, Smartphone Filmmaking from April 21st!
Do you know of experimental film and media art resources that you think our members should know about? Let us know at production@sawvideo.com
Theatre Photo by Felix Mooneeram on Unsplash.