
Volunteering at SAW Video is a great way to get to know people in the media arts community, learn new skills, and share expertise. Opportunities to volunteer include being a crew member on other members' productions, assisting with editing, joining one of the centre's committees, or becoming a member of the board of directors.  

Current standing committees include our Equipment Committee, Post-Production Committee, Outreach Committee, Programming committee and Workshop Committee. Temporary ad-hoc committees are also created as needed. Committees are comprised of SAW Video members, non-members, staff and board. We encourage all those with particular interest or expertise to please apply. 
First and last names
Are you a video or media artist?
Do you have experience using editing software (i.e., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut, etc)?
Do you have experience using AV equipment (i.e., P.A. Systems, mixers, projectors)?
Do you have a Smart Serve certification?
Which Volunteer position(s) would you interested in?
Are you interested in joining one of our committees? If yes, please indicate which one(s)
Are you interested in becoming a SAW Video board member?
Upload requirements