From the award-winning pilot TV show, "Clone TV", comes a post-9/11 satirical segment featuring "Mabus and Sirus" (Marc Adornato and David Wilkinson) who hi-jack the G8 Protest in Ottawa to raise awareness of the morally and ethically troubling issue of human cloning. Watch this dynamic duo get unprecedented access to the front lines of the protest, a police escort through the streets of Ottawa, and a feature segment on the six o'clock news (NewRO). Featuring digital music composed by Ottawa's David Wilkinson, "Clone TV" is available by contacting the artist through his website. Visit Adornato's website to view his latest videos. (

Marc Adornato
City, Province
Ottawa, ON

Based in Ottawa, Marc Adornato (BFA) makes art works in a variety of mediums including video, audio, performance, and kinetic sculptures. Focusing on Cloning, Genetic Engineering, Politics, and Technology; Adornato's work explores the social and political ramifications of his Historical era. (

Year Produced
Original Media