the loop
Square image with dusk blue background and white crescent moon that reads: "Night School - Sound in Film and Television, April 30th"

Night School

CANCELLED | Sound in Film and Television

avril 30 2020, 6:00 - 9:00 pm


Most studies of audio-visual media still put an emphasis on visual aspects and sound is only mentioned very briefly. Sound still does not get enough significant attention in the elaboration of the visual. More broadly, the interplay between sound and image is not discussed to the extent it should. In this lecture, we will discuss the central questions about sound in film, video and television. What is sound and in what ways does it affect us? What is the relationship between sound and image in audio-visual media? How is sound used to tell stories? In what ways does sound affect our experience of actual or fictional worlds, characters and narratives?

In this lecture, Gunnar Iversen will lead us as we explore a vibrant new field of study in Film and Media Studies, and consider the ways in which sound affects our lives and our perception of the world as well as audio-visual media.

Gunnar Iversen

Image of Gunnar Iversen Gunnar Iversen is Professor of Film Studies at Carleton University and former Professor of Film and Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has written and edited more than 20 books on Scandinavian film history, sound in film and television, factual television and documentary film practice. His latest co-edited book is called Unwatchable.





About Night School 

Night School is SAW Video's free, monthly lecture series designed to provide the basic fundamentals of video, film and media art history, theories and current topics of significance. Night School was initiated as a resistance reaction to the OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) funding cuts in 2018. Night School provides an introduction to an art history theme or topic, within a university/college framework and by a university/college professor but without the financial barriers to participate. Many forms and technological approaches are to be found in the media art landscape and Night School wants to demystify them all. Each Night School lecture will include screenings of select work and or listening exercises depending on the lecture topic at hand. 

Everyone is welcome to attend Night School! We encourage SAW Video members, artists, creators, arts/cultural workers, folks looking to experiment in a new discipline, admirers and or advocates for video and media arts to join us. Attendance at every lecture is not necessary but recommended for a well rounded education. 

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